Document Type : Original Article


1 assistant prof. in management of Tarbiat Modarres Uni.

2 Management

3 management


According to IRIB’s structural development theory, the increased media competition together with the technological advancements and the socio-cultural changes are among the environmental factors making IRIB’s managers and administrators feel the need for structural change and development in the organization. Furthermore, certain intra-organizational elements, such as the change in the IRIB’s strategic components and the necessity to meet the needs and expectations of the beneficiaries, have also led to structural change and development. According to IRIB’ structural development theory, feeling need for a change in structure would end in logical or illogical development in structure. Structural development based or not based on expertise, the degree of autonomy of the departments, the level of authority of the organizations’ head and the attitudes of high ranking managers toward the structural development are among the ground factors affecting structural development. Weak systematic approaches to structural development, lack of a comprehensive media development plan and the state-run nature of IRIB are among factors impeding a logical structural development plan. The plurality of the affiliated companies, structural inflation and IRIB’s structural imbalance are a few unpleasant implications of the structural developments during the years examined in this study.


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