Document Type : Original Article


1 Sport Management

2 Assistant Prof. in Sport Management, Faculty of Humanitarian Science, Tarbiat Modares Uni., Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Prof. in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Department, Faculty of Statistics, Mathematics & Computer, Allameh Tabataba'I Uni., Tehran, Iran


Social media function is constantly increasing and sports researchers have attended to this role and function more than ago. The purpose of this study was to review all articles published in sports magazines during the last 10 years with a systematic review approach. The initial article database consisted of 156 selected articles, which according to the title and keywords included one of the terms of Social Media, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest or Snapshot. Then, according to the publication date (2010-2019) and studying abstracts, 137 articles were selected and downloaded. The findings showed that the number of published articles and theories used in them has increased from 2010 to 2019. The diversity of theories supporting the reviewed researches suggests that sport is still considered a multifaceted field, but sporting events such as the World Cup and the Olympics are areas that receive less attention in sports social media studies.


Main Subjects

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