Document Type : Original Article


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2 Faculty Member (Associate Professor) Journalism and News Department, Faculty of Communication and Media, Radio and Broadcasting Department, Tehran, Iran



In today's era, the media and especially television, in addition to the function of entertainment and information, are considered a tool for modeling and promoting a certain lifestyle in societies. The Islamic Republic of Iran TV has always been trying to present the Islamic-Iranian lifestyle to the society through media payments and to be influential in the socialization of this style. With 21 experts in the field of media, family and lifestyle, it intends to answer the question of what damages have there been in the past years in television media payments in the field of Islamic-Iranian family lifestyle and what are the appropriate strategies for it in television. It should be noted. The results of this research with the number of 7 main categories, 11 general concepts and 68 final codes indicated that external factors such as; Not having a national message management center in the field of Islamic-Iranian lifestyle for cultural devices, Iqbal home show network and other factors and internal factors such as; The reduction of behavioral shows, the increase in the gap between the media and the audience of the new generation and other factors have caused the phenomenon of "the lack of expected impact of media payments in the field of Islamic-Iranian lifestyle". Also, suitable strategies are presented with the foundation data method approach and determining the background conditions, facilitating, limiting and consequences.


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